Why you ask? Because there was the fear of the unknown. What if it was a softie masterpiece, the likes of which the world had never seen? In other words...what if I opened that envelope, and realized mine ...SUCKED.
That's kind of what happened. See, I finally opened that envelope and found my little bee, and her little button face, and pretty purple lace, and the red and aqua collar (that just so happens to match the 'color scheme' that I'm thinking of for this room) and her funky vintage body. Lordy knows I have a thing for funky vintage....its a sickness.
She fits in quite well...
But I got over it. Because in the end, I had a great time with the softie swap. ...a lot of anxiety, worry, agony.... But there's nothing like exchanging handmade for handmade.
And now take a sec would ya, and go visit Marianna at stargirlshop blog or even better stargirljewelry. She does AMAZING amazing stuff. Her jewelry is awesome, and her lampwork beads blow me away. I'm currently fawning over a few things. Maybe like this or something along the lines of this (I know, its sold...whatever) or this. I could keep going (summer breeze earrings? Sheepy lampwork beads?) but you can just head over to her esty shop and peek yourself. Its worth it, I promise.
Oh, and on my end? This is the bunny I sent:
Its the phantom crochet bunny pattern that has yet to be published. Except...I realized some days later, this bunny...has no tail. I know this, because I found the tail...in my knitting/crochet basket. Where it is most useful. Of course.
I started out trying to sew a dress that would have this really cute trim. I then realized I know diddly squat about sewing garments for bunnies. I still have the 'evidence' in my sewing basket. I don't know why, I really should burn it. So, change of plans, I thought I'll make her an apron. A cute vintage apron! ...or a country looking smock? Close enough :)
All in all, still pretty darn happy with it. I'm so glad I did the swap. I've got an awesome new softie, and I found a great new etsy shop to stalk ;) Thanks so much Marianna! And a thanks to Simone at Crafty Dasies for organizing this!
you are too kind and too funny! And you shouldn't have mentioned the missing tale because I would never have noticed lol! I had a lot of fun and have my new little bunny companion sitting next to me in my studio watching me (er...wait, I guess more like listening) to me work =)
I'm such a slacker and still have yet to post my pics but it's coming I promise!!!
PS. May I steal the pics you took of the bumble bee gal? because I never remembered to takes pics of her completed just several pics of her as a floating head...
I love that bunny. It's so simple and sweet. It's just amazing to see all the creatures everyone created.
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